Practice Areas

  • Anxiety

    A natural response to stress characterized by feelings of unease and worry. When anxiety is persistent, it can impact a person's daily life and well-being and we are here to help.

  • Depression

    A common treatable mental health condition characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and anhedonia, often accompanied by physical symptoms.

  • Adolescent & Teen Counseling

    A safe and supportive therapy environment for young individuals to explore and address their unique emotional, social and developmental challenges, while developing coping strategies and and self-awareness.

  • LGBTQ+ Concerns

    Supportive and affirming therapy to address the experiences, rights, and well-being of LGBTQ+ and other marginalized gender and sexual identities, including discrimination, acceptance, and identity exploration.

  • Trauma & PTSD

    Therapy to address trauma: the psychological and physical distress resulting from an overwhelming or distressing event, which can lead to long-lasting effects on a person's mental and emotional well-being.

  • Grief & Loss

    Counseling to address grief: the complex interaction of emotional, psychological, and physical responses that can occur as one navigates a significant loss or life-altering event such as an illness, death, or divorce.

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

    A structured psychotherapy approach that helps individuals process and alleviate distressing memories and traumatic experiences through the use of bilateral stimulation.

  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

    An evidenced-based psychotherapy method that focuses on rapidly resolving the emotional impact of traumatic or distressing memories through a combination of desensitization, eye movements, and guided imagery.

  • Couples Counseling

    A therapeutic process designed to help couples explore and resolve relationship challenges, improve comunication, and strengthen connection in a supportive and constructive environment.

  • Discernment Counseling

    A brief, specialized form of therapy designed to help couples in crisis to explore their options and decide whether to work on their relationship or move forward with the separation process.

  • Premarital Counseling

    Preparation for marriage by addressing various aspects of a couple’s relationship, such as communication, conflict resolution, and shared values, to build a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling marriage.

  • Divorce Counseling

    Helps couples navigate the emotional and logistical aspects of divorce, including fostering effective communication and conflict resolution while supporting the emotional well-being of all parties involved.

  • Parenting Concerns

    Addressing and resolving the various challenges related to child-rearing, including learning parenting skills and improving family dynamics.

  • Family Therapy

    A form of psychotherapy that focuses on improving communication and resolving conflicts among family members to promote healthier relationships and enhance the overall well-being of the family unit.

  • Stress Management Counseling

    The adoption of strategies and lifestyle changes aimed at reducing and coping with the physical and psychological effects of stress, leading to improved well-being and resilience.

  • Life Transitions

    Supportive therapy to process significant changes in an individual's circumstances or identity, which can bring both opportunities and challenges as one adapts to the new situation.

  • Self Esteem & Identity

    A focus on helping individuals explore and improve their self-worth, self-perception, and sense of identity, leading to increased well-being and authenticity.

  • Relationship Concerns

    Work with a therapist to explore the variety of challenges that can arise within personal, romantic, familial, or professional relationships, including difficulties with communication, trust, and connection.

  • "Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

    Carl Jung

  • "Taking a moment to figure out how you really feel instead of letting old patterns decide for you is one of the most authentic things you can do."

    Yung Pueblo

  • "If one is to love oneself, one must behave in ways one can admire."

    Irvin D. Yalom

  • "Worthiness doesn't have prerequisites."

    Brené Brown